루마 드림 머신

루마 드림 머신

Dream Machine is a Luma AI model that a next-generation video model for creating high quality, realistic shots from text instructions and images using AI.

What is Luma AI Dream Machine?

Dream Machine is AI video generator tool, It is a highly scalable and efficient transformer model trained directly on videos making it capable of generating physically accurate, consistent and eventful shots.

Dream Machine allows users to enter a descriptive prompt like “a corgi puppy chasing a ball on a beach at sunset” and in about two minutes generates a realistic five-second video clip matching that scene.

Dream Machine Features

Iterate at the speed of thought

Dream Machine is an incredibly fast video generator! 120 frames in 120s. Iterate faster, explore more ideas and dream bigger!
Create action packed shots

Dream Machine generates 5s shots with a realistic smooth motion, cinematography, and drama. Make lifeless into lively. Turn snapshots into stories.
Dream worlds with consistent characters

Dream Machine understands how people, animals and objects interact with the physical world. This allows you to create videos with great character consistency and accurate physics.
Capture attention with breathtaking camera moves

Dream Machine helps you experiment with an endless array of fluid, cinematic and naturalistic camera motions matching the emption and contents of the scene.


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